Education & Work

I’m a graduate of the University of British Columbia with a Ph.D in Applied Math (2017), specializing in low-rank tensor completion, nonlinear-optimization, machine learning, geophysical modelling, and software design with a keen interest in statistics, numerical linear algebra, and large-scale optimization.

After graduating, I’ve worked as a software engineer for UrtheCast, designing algorithms for improving satellite image geolocation quality using nonlinear optimization and outlier rejection. I am a co-founder of Threeline Trading Ltd., where I have been working since 2018.

Improv, Comedy, etc.

I’ve also been performing improv comedy since 2011. I am a former cast member and artistic director of Instant Theatre and I’ve performed at shows all around Vancouver (in Bloodfeud, Pop-Up Duos, Sidekicks, to name a few). I’ve had the opportunity to perform with Kevin McDonald (Kids in the Hall) and Andrew Phung (Kim’s Convenience), and, sadly, none of their fame has rubbed off on me even a little. I’ve had the good fortune to perform at festivals in Seattle, Austin, Texas, and Vancouver (in a variety of groups as well as in the 2019 festival ensemble). I am also the director, producer, and a cast member of Fistful of Kicks, an all-Asian Canadian improv group specializing in longform storytelling infused with stage combat (check out our Facebook page here). I’ve dabbled in stand-up comedy, sketch comedy, and some of the worst possible puns to annoy the people around me. It’s all been wonderful. I was even lucky enough to get to help write/direct a sketch for CBC with my Fistful folks, you can check it out here. I’m also a Masters Zerg in Starcraft II, so 1v1 me anytime.